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             »Schizophrenia: When you are truly your own worst enemy.
             What was that? No who was that? I dont know? What am I doing here? What's for.
             dinner? The preceding is a sample thought process of a schizophrenic. Schizophrenia is a chronic.
             mental illness that affects approximately one percent of the population of every country in the.
             world. Even though it is one of the more common psychological disorders, it is still one of the.
             least understood.
             Many people outside the realm of psychology believe that schizophrenia refers to a split.
             personality. The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek schizo, meaning split and phrenia.
             refers to the diaphragm, once thought to be the location of a person's mind and soul. The true.
             nature of the word is seen in its original definition. First conceived by early 20th century European.
             psychiatrists, schizophrenia was meant to describe a shattering, or breakdown, of one's.
             involuntary psychological functions. .
             According to psycholigists, the illness can best be described as a collection of particular.
             symptoms that usually fall into four basic categories: formal thought disorder, perception.
             disorder, feeling or emotional disturbance, and behavioral disorder. Victims tend to share a range.
             of symptoms that can be devastating to themselves as well as to families and friends.
             Schizophrenics may have trouble dealing with basic everyday stresses and insignificant changes in.
             their surroundings. Because of this, patients with schizophrenia may become extremely reclusive.
             Schizophrenic's speech is sometimes hard to follow because of their disorganized train of thought.
             Phrases seem disconnected, and ideas move from topic to topic without any logical pattern. In.
             some cases, individuals with schizophrenia say that their head seems empty, which can lead to a.
             lack of self worth, and sometimes depression. In these cases, these complications can greatly.
             compound their recovery process. Other schizophrenic patients think they possess supernatural.

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