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             Individual liberty is a common subject in today's world; should we listen more to our hearts or more to society? In the film The Dead Poet's Society directed by Peter Weir, Mr. Keating who is played by Robin Williams encourages students to "seize the day" Carpe Diem he says. Mr. Keating is a perfect example of what Irving Layton is trying to express in his essay "The Role of the Teacher", as well as in the essay "Individual Liberty and Public Control" by Bertrand Russell. Mr. Keating explains to his students that they should live their lives in a way that gives them a sense empowerment, rather than conforming to society and blindly following the herd. The beliefs of others should be respected and laws that prohibit beliefs should be considered carefully as Bertrand Russell explains in his essay. The problem for Mr. Keating students as Irving Layton would point out is that society decides for students, which courses are important in life and therefore students do not have a lot of control to choose for themselves. .
             A powerful message that Mr. Keating expresses to his students has to do with an ordinary everyday activity, walking. Mr. Keating says "The difficulty of maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others. We all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own. Some people may think them odd or unpopular." In Irving Layton's essay he explains how in contrast we as people are led to a specific path. They are taught math, science(s), English while classes such as art and drama are dropped because they are thought to be unnecessary. If a specific student believes he is going to be an actor later on in life he might be told that it's not likely or it is a ridiculous idea. In that instance he conforms to what he is being told, because his dreams/ideas are not popular among others. Bertrand Russell explains how school systems should promote mental individuality and not blindly follow the others because it is what is "right".

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