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The presidency of richard nixon


            Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. He was born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. He attended Whittier Colle-ge and Duke University School of Law and then joined a law firm in his home town. He and Patricia Ryan were married in 1940. In 1948, Nixon's investigation as a member of the house committee on Un-American Activities regarding the espionage charges against Alger Hiss made him both a national and a controversial figure. Starting from 1952, Nixon was the vice president for 8 years under Eisenhower. The election of 1960 proved unlucky to Nixon, competing with Kennedy and finally in the election of 1968, Nixon was nominated as the President. His presidency was marked by significant achievements in foreign policies with China and the Soviet Union. Nixon was also the first president in the 20th century to resign from the office. The central event during his presidency was the Vietnam War and Watergate. Both of these incidents reduced his reputation to a great extent. .
             In Domestic policies, Nixon initiated the New Federalism which was mainly adopted to reduce big government and return more power to state and local governments. Nixon introduced the Republican spending-cut program, cutting back and opposing federal welfare services and proposing anti-busing legislation. He also implemented the New Economic Policy, which called for a 10 percent tax on many imports, repeal of certain excise taxes, tax breaks for industries undertaking new investment, and a ninety-day freeze on wages, prices, and dividends designed to halt inflation. This made the American exports to become cheaper and improved the balance of trade Revenue sharing was one of his major tool in domestic policy, which returned to states and municipalities some of the revenue from income taxes. The significance of this policy is that the program that receives the funds could not engage in any racial or ethnic discrimination.

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