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             Terraforming is the process of making an alien planet, such as Mars, more like earth so to have the ability of sustaining life. The terraforming of Mars proposes a lot of interesting questions. Such as what will we do? How long will it take? How will the people react to the idea of living on another planet? All of these questions can be answered to a certain extent, however none of them can be answered fully. In this essay I will try to contrast the idea of putting life on another planet other than Earth. .
             I believe that the formal terraforming of Mars will begin five to fifteen years after the first permanent Martian colony is established. I believe that terraformation of the planet Mars will begin in the near future. Once a colony is established on Mars there will probably be terraforming efforts starting during the first week. These efforts will consist of trying to establish a form of life on a planet to see if humans can exist on another planet. The dispensing of certain gasses into the atmosphere to support the greenhouse affect and the search for water is one of the primary objectives of this new frontier. The dispensing of the gasses will change to color of the plant from a red to a blue-green planet similar to earth. After these years, the terraforming effort will probably be taken on by large business for whatever reason they have. These businesses will take on large efforts to help raise the temperature and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. Some .
             of these large projects are things like large mirrors orbiting the planet to redirect light in the direction of the planet. Deep holes drilled in the surface of the planet by self-fueling robots, robots that have the capability to fuel them selves, to harness the heat of the core, ice asteroids from the asteroid belt sent through the atmosphere at an angle where it would not hit the surface, but it would burn up in the atmosphere creating hydrogen, oxygen, and water.

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