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             In The Tempest, by William Shakespeare, Caliban is described as a brutish subhuman creature. Caliban's mother, Sycorax dies and he inherits the island and takes charge until Prospero and Miranda land. With the power of magic, Prospero then makes Caliban his thrall. Caliban makes three mistakes forcing him to receive more trouble and worse treatment than before.
             Caliban's first mistake is when he responds to Prospero when Prospero says,In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honor of my child? (37). Caliban then says,Thou didst prevent me. I had people else this isle with Calibans? (37). Caliban remarks that he tries to rape Miranda and have children. He tells Prospero in the face that it is true that he attempts to violate Miranda. Caliban is an uncompassionate, reckless, uneducatedmonster.? Miranda responds to Caliban's comment with fury. She says,Abhorred slave, which any print of goodness wilt not take, being capable of all ill!? (39). Miranda is insulting Caliban by saying that he is disgusting and will always be cursed. Miranda is telling Caliban that he will never change and his treatment will never improve. Miranda is dismissing Caliban as her slave and making it clear that Caliban knows she has power over him. Later, Caliban retorts Miranda's insult.
             The second mistake Caliban makes is when he counters Miranda after she says,But thy vile race, though thou didst learn, had that int which good natures could not abide to be with. Who hadst deserved more than prison? (39). Caliban then replies by saying,You taught me language, and my profit ont is I know how to curse? (39). Caliban is telling Prospero and Miranda that they taught him language to order him around, but while teaching him language he can curse. Caliban is blaming Prospero and Miranda that it is their fault that he can curse. Prospero is outraged and says,Fetch us in fuel; and be quick.

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