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drunk driving


            There has been a large positive look in condemning intoxicated drivers. Citizens are voting that United States should penalize drunk drivers with a six month jail time after second offense. I believe it's a positive idea and it will reduce accidents dramatically. Keeping citizens safe is what everyone asks for and minimized casualties. Adding this penalization would be a perfect outcome for citizens and drunk drivers.
             First, alcoholic drivers have proven that they are killers behind the wheel. Through the years these individuals have taken millions of lives away. Dreams grasped from innocent victims by irresponsible drunk drivers and gradually occurring daily. Protecting our citizens and minors is the primary goal for this issue. By, penalizing drunk drivers to the full extent and showing them it isn't a drinking game. Results will show protection and take drunk drivers off streets. Streets will not be dangerous or terrorizing at night. This would help citizens gain positive trust in driving at any time of day.
             Secondly, adding this anti alcohol penalty and applying it correctly and without hesitations. Would not only help the drunk driver, it would be a type of rehabilitation for the criminal. Spending six months in a correctional facility without the use of alcohol. Will clear intoxication on the criminal and gain knowledge about drinking and driving. By making the law active, it would increasingly minimize the large number of collision casualties and alcoholism in the United States.
             Finally, after the criminal has served his time and showed positive feedback. It would be released and placed under probation or an alcoholic abuse program. By doing so, it would help the criminal stay away from alcohol or other intoxicating substances. These regulations or rules would create an impact in decreasing the chances of criminal getting caught in the act. Hopefully it will be successful for the criminal and continue with life.

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