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             Most diseases can be separated from the individual and seen as foreign intruding entities. Schizophrenia is very poorly behaved in this respect. Colds, ulcers, flu and cancer are things we get. Schizophrenic is something we are. It affects the things we most identify with as making us what we are. Schizophrenia is almost universally viewed as the classic example of madness. For many people, the word crazy brings to mind the strange and often bizarre behavior of schizophrenics. Perhaps more than any other mental illness, schizophrenia has a weakening effect on the lives of the people who suffer from it. A person with schizophrenia may have difficulty telling the difference between real and unreal experiences. Schizophrenia seriously impairs a person's ability to work, go to school, enjoy relationships with others or take care of oneself. People with schizophrenia frequently require hospitalization because they pose a danger to themselves. About 10 percent of people with schizophrenia commit suicide and many others attempt suicide. Once people develop schizophrenia, they usually suffer from the illness for the rest of their lives. Although there is no cure, treatment can help many people with schizophrenia lead productive lives. Researchers are still exploring this mental illness around the world. For now, however, schizophrenia remains as mysterious as any ailment and the cause of extraordinary anguish to its victims and their loved ones.
             Mental disorders represent the number one health problem for the United States and probably for the entire human population. Some studies estimate that approximately one-third of all Americans suffer from some sort of emotional disturbance. Depression of varying severity will affect as many as 20 percent of Americans. Psychological disorders are even more common. Schizophrenia, a psychological disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality, is considered to have a debilitating effect on the lives of the people who suffer from it.

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