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Death of A Salesman


            For Willy and Linda, life's accomplishments and sources of pleasure are simple.
             This statement gives an excellent judgment of their lives because they lead very.
             average lives for the time, and any depth is ignored on their part. This little.
             scene exemplifies this point by showing a focus in their lives, being the.
             mortgage on the house. For twenty-five years Willy and Linda have been.
             working to pay off their mortgage, and once they do that, they will attain a.
             sense of freedom, or the "American Dream". That dream, especially pertinent at.
             that time of growth in the United States, presents a perfect representation of.
             their goal. This goal is clearly outlined by dollar signs and a sense of ownership,.
             two key points to personal success. .
             The key thing which leads to Willy and Linda's depressions, is their inability to.
             face reality in the present. Their lives are lived in the future, and even in this.
             scene as Willy states; "You wait, kid, before it's all over we're gonna get a little.
             place out in the country."(p.72), we see his ability to constantly speak of.
             unpractical dreams. Their last payment on the mortgage gives closure to this life.
             filled only with dreams, and will allow them to realize some of their idealistic.
             thoughts. Their entire lives have been concentrated on this house, their one.
             meaningful possession, therefore this last payment is an accomplishment beyond.
             any other. .
             Willy is a salesman, always traveling from state to state staying in motels away.
             from home. This increases the importance of a house to him because it is not.
             only a place of habitation but a representation of stability in his life. It is a.
             concrete item which cannot be taken away from Willy once he has made the.
             last payment. While discussing his sons with Linda, he states; " And they'll get.
             married, and come for a weekend-. He shows the same pride for his ownership.
             of the house as he did for Biff during his football years.

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