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            Shakespeare's tragic hero Macbeth in the play "Macbeth" is a man of noble birth who falls from a position of honor and respect due to a flaw in his character. Macbeth is the essence of a tragic hero who rises high then falls rock bottom to his death. Macbeth changed from being the "noble" hero in the beginning to the "hell hound" and "villain" as he is perceived in his final days. Macbeth's downfall was caused by his ambition, a character flaw which is exploited by the witches. Another reason for Macbeth's downfall was Lady Macbeth or an outside force of evil such as the witches. Although Lady Macbeth exerts a certain influence on him, Macbeth's downfall is caused by his own character. Macbeth freely chooses a course of action which ultimately causes him suffering and brings him to a fatal end, therefore leaving him entirely responsible for the tragic events of the play.
             Macbeth's ambition is stimulated by success in battle, his new title as thane of Cawdor and the witches" prophecy of his foretold position to the throne, "All hail, Macbeth, that shall be king hereafter" makes Macbeth immediately think of the possibility of him acting upon obtaining the throne and give way to the excitement presented by the witches rather than waiting for fate to crown him showing his vaulting ambition. Lady Macbeth proves herself to be just as ambitious and influences her husband to act upon getting the crown. She accuses him of being a coward, telling him to "screw your courage to the sticking-place", persuading Macbeth to murder Duncan and fulfill his destiny to become king. But yet, it was not Lady Macbeth who put the dagger inside Duncan, it was Macbeth who killed Duncan to earn his place on the throne by disturbing the natural order of the word. .
             " I am in blood/Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,/ Returning were as tedious to go o"er", Here Macbeth has the opportunity to turn back rather than wade further into a sea of blood that he has already made.

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