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religion vs science


             Consider the following lines from May Swenson's poem "The Universe"--.
             the universe about us stretching out?".
             Imagine a dark room with an endless amount of space inside it. The darkness is so dense, it's hard to figure out what is inside the room. It is natural for a person to get a flashlight and sweep it across the room. Now imagine the room is the Universe, forever expanding and the flashlight you are holding is the tool you need to figure out what is in the Universe. That tool is called science. Whatever you point at, you only get a small glimpse of what is really out there and what it means. So you get another tool to help you hypothesize about the details. That tool is religion. In a deeper sense, science and religion are complements of each other. Going back to the dark room, science (the flashlight) is merely one way of finding out about our world, which by itself cannot fulfill our curiosity, so indeed religion (a hypothesis) is needed to complete the search for answers. Science, by providing methods to investigate our external universe (the dark room), by helping to comprehend our world, gives us awareness of our world. Religion, by providing ways to explore our internal selves (our mind), in fact gives us meaning and purpose to finding out about our world. Science and religion have always searched for the same thing, namely a greater world, a better life for each and every one of us, and the origin of life. Science and religion complement and complete because where science lacks the tools to answer questions, religion helps out by providing those tools. .
             Science is the realm of the observable phenomenon, which it must investigate in order to bring happiness to mankind, while religion is the realm of the spiritual, of morality and of ethics. So why can't these two coexist? It seems that science and religion have always been at war with one another. Isn't that what we've been taught? Isn't that what the trial of Galileo was about? This widely held view is actually a distortion of the historical truth.

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