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             Starting hockey at the beginning of sophomore year has helped my body in many ways. All my life I have played sports but I believe that hockey has bettered my body the most. In many of the sports I played in the past such as football, baseball, and basketball you had to run, but in hockey if I want to get anywhere I have to use more leg power than running or walking. My legs developed by working out as well as skating and led me to become a faster skater. It has let me be a more explosive skater from a still position to getting to where I need to be. .
             My cardiovascular abilities have advanced my lungs and I am not as tired or gasping for breath as much as I used to. Expanding my lungs gives my blood more oxygen and I can take longer, deeper breathes. Skating longer is an important key in hockey that you must have to be a good player. You have to stay out on the ice long enough to make something happen and if I couldn't there would be no point going out there. My first year of hockey I was tired in the middle of the second period. Now I can go to almost the end of the game without dieing. .
             Starting hockey has bettered my life in more than physically. I think if I wasn't playing hockey I would be out doing thing that weren't good for my body. Most kids that aren't in sports are usually out drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. I would be one of those kids if I wasn't playing hockey. If I drank every weekend it would put me at risk to a lot of things that I don't want it to such as killing my liver and brain cells. Smoking would make me not able to do any activity as well as I could if I did. I have met a new group of people that have helped me stay away from drugs and peer pressure. We also do activitys that are not harmful to our bodies such as working out and running. If there is open ice we go most of the time to stay out of trouble. Having played hockey now gives me a reason to stay in shape even after high school and has given more opportunities and opened more doors for me when I graduate.

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