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            There are times when contradicting feelings may put a friendly relationship in jeopardy. For example, when a male has the desire to take his friendship to a higher, more intimate level, he will not express his emotions to his friend if he believes that the feeling is not mutual. This is an extremely common occurrence, because, in this case, the male is afraid to risk his relationship. If he is this person's true friend, he must value his relationship enough to sacrifice his own feelings to save the special bond they carry. .
             Once a male and a female have become best friends, there must be something stopping them from having an intimate relationship. If a woman shares everything with her best male friend, why not pursue a different relationship "take it to the next level? Perhaps there is something missing, such as physical attraction, mutual emotions, or sexual chemistry. If they are such good friends, it is obvious that the trust and honesty one needs in a relationship exist, but of course, there must be at least one element missing. I believe that one's mate must be his/her best friend. These individuals must be able to share everything they would disclose with their best friend from the same sex. Best friends provide each other with all the support they need.
             Also, the ability to carry a friendship with the other gender is much easier when one of the individuals in married or in a romantic relationship. Most people believe that having a partner makes it easier not to misinterpret things, which is something that many men are prone to do. Generally, when someone is not "looking- for a partner, he/she is not as open to members of the opposite sex.
             Certain elements make it possible for males and females to have a simple, friendly relationship. Although some people believe that different-sex friendships are impossible, I have explained that the probability depends on the level of attraction, different personalities, contradictory feelings, the degree of the friendship, and one's marital status.

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