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History of Terrorism


            The west was economically advanced because of the Industrial Revolution. This is due to two factors stated in the lecture notes. The two factors were the creation of a capitalist economic system and an industrial mode of economic production. Capitalism helped the economy advance because it allowed free enterprise which created a greater prosperity for the society as a whole. Industrial mode of production helped the economy advance best more machines were used to produce goods. This meant that there was more good produced in a shorter time which required a large scale integration of the economy. Due to these two factors the west's economy is more industrious than any non-industrial country, which allows the west to have more economic supremacy. .
             The west is also more advanced in politics also. The main factor is the west was moving towards a more democratic government unlike the other's who had many different types of governments. Because of democratic governmental systems there weren't as many terrorist uprisings because the people of a democratic society feel loyal to their society. Also many of the other types of governments in non-western countries were very unstable and this caused them not to advance in the political sense because there was always a struggle to gain supremacy of one's country.
             The west is also more advanced in the military also. This is due to the fact of the west being more economically and politically advanced. Economics played a role in this because they were able to produce weapons at a greater rate because of their many industries. Economics also helped because the more money your country has the more weapons can be bought and manufactured. Economy also helped because the better economy you have the more you could pay your soldiers. Politics played a role in the military because the west had a democratic government system which allowed them to collectively place large armed forces since the common individual felt devoted to his/her country.

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