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             Have you ever read a book that you can compare your life to? My life can easily be related to Odysseus's life in Homer's epic, The Odyssey. I can relate to the places and people that surround him. I have my own Ithaca, Calypsos, Poseidon, and long, hard days on the sea.
             Like Odysseus's Ithaca, my Ithaca is very important to me. I can compare Georgia to Ithaca because it is my home. It is also where all of my friends and family are. Georgia is the one place that I feel at home. When I get home from a vacation I am so glad to be home. I don't think I will ever live in another state. I can also compare my friends to Odysseus's crew because I am always hanging out with them and getting out of trouble with them. They help me through the days at school, which symbolize the long, hard days on the sea.
             Like Odysseus, I have many things that distract me. Odysseus only had one Calypso, but I have many of them. Calypsos are objects or people that distract me. My first one is my friends. They get me off task in school and I usually miss notes or don't finish my class work and have to do it for homework. The television is another calypso of mine. I will get home from school, start watching TV, and I will forget to do my homework or chores. My last calypso is my computer. I will waste a lot of time looking for stuff on the Internet, chatting with my buddies, or playing games.
             I can relate to Odysseus's problems with Poseidon because of my neighbor that lives across the street from me. He is always watching me through his window ever time I go outside. He has gotten me in trouble many times and has made my life just miserable. There were three main incidents with him that I remember very well. One was when I was testing out my new dirt bike in the subdivision and he stopped my and said that he would call the cops if I kept riding it. Then during the Forth of July, my friends and I were lighting of fireworks and he came out and told us that we better stop before ten o"clock and pick up all the paper or he would call the cops on us.

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