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Fatalist Attraction Review


             The essay, Fatalist Attraction, was a well-written and well-supported document.
             The author has great credibility and experience in her field and can easily back up her .
             statements. She also uses emotional appeal to pull the reader on to her side of this issue .
             using relating stories and analogies. Along with these, she uses good reasoning to show .
             the progression of where we were, where we are now, and where we're headed in the .
             medical field. The author uses great paragraph structure within her work to show a .
             progression from one subject to the next in each section. Ms. Postrel doesn't, however, .
             have a perfect essay. She does have some major errors that could confuse her audience. .
             Overall though, one feels Ms. Postrel has written a piece of work that is very persuasive. .
             The author's credibility is determined in a few ways throughout this text. In .
             paragraph seven she notes that she works in the center of the medical field and is .
             surrounded by the things she speaks of. The way she relates some of her stories makes .
             the readers feel as if she is credible, because she uses personal examples. It feels .
             almost as if your talking to your family doctor. She takes the issues and explains them .
             thoroughly, while also explaining how we as humans interact with these issues in our own .
             lives. Taking it all in, she doesn't have a picture of her all her degrees along with the text, .
             but with the way the text is presented she makes herself seem credible. .
             I feel the strong point of this entire essay is its emotional appeal. She tells us of .
             those obvious things that we don't recognize are right in front of us. Ms. Postrel tells us .
             of things like the way we have become weak compared to those of our ancestors and how .
             we are slowly losing our morals by trying whatever that is new without thinking of .
             repercussions. The writer also uses great relating stories which are endearing and also .
             help show her specific point of view and also help pull the reader to her side.

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