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            Reality is often much deeper than the eye perceives and more complex than the mind can envision. It was because of this basic truth that Macbeth deceived his king, Duncan, killing him. While Macbeth believed himself to be the wisest for having gained the kingdom of Scotland on the sly, the Werd Sisters had deceived him. Trusting his own interpretation of their predictions, he failed to see the reality that his rule was soon to end. His trust in what he believed to be reality allowed him to die by the sword of Macduff, a nobleman loyal to the cause of Malcolm, Duncan's son. Shakespeare made this discrepancy between what man perceives and true reality clear throughout Macbeth. Using paradox and dramatic irony he demonstrated the devastating effect of a delusionary lifestyle.
             Both Duncan and Macbeth place trust in those who foreknow, or plan their demise. Because of the reports Duncan received of Macbeth, stating that he fought well, he assumed that Macbeth was trustworthy. Through a twist of irony, Macbeth and his wife would be his murderers. Macbeth tells Duncan that he will be "the harbinger and make joyful the hearing of my wife with your approach.""(12) They are joyful at the king's approach because it is an opportunity to slay him. Duncan later says:.
             "The love that follows us sometimes is our trouble,.
             Which still we thank as love. Herein I teach you.
             How you shall bid god ield us for your pains,.
             And thank us for your trouble.""(16-17).
             Duncan was expressing his gratitude for Lady Macbeth's pains and telling her that she should be grateful for his love. She was definitely grateful, and stated that her and Macbeth "rest your[Duncan's] hermits,"" but love is not mutual. Contrarily, Lady Macbeth asked her husband, "What cannot you and I perform upon th' unguarded Duncan?-(20) While Duncan initially stated, "This castle has a pleasant seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses,""(16) it became the most ominous, and last, night of his life.

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