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             Plato, an Athenian Greek of an upper class aristocratic family, and an active philosopher in the first half of the fourth century B.C. born in 427 B.C. Plato lived to be eighty years old and a very devoted friend and follower of Socrates, after his execution. Plato was well known for his theory of the form, participation with Christianity, the doctrine of Recollection immortality of the soul, and a school he founded called ACADEMY where he taught Mathematics and Philosophy until his death.
             Plato, being a devoted follower of Socrates did not believe that the society had a full understanding of who Socrates really was, and the knowledge he was trying to teach the world. Having this belief Plato felt that it was his responsibility to inform the world of this knowledge, with his theory of the form. The notion of the form is articulate with the aid of conceptual resources drown from Alethic philosophy.
             Plato believed that the form came in three phases, Idea, Morph, and Eidos. Idea (ideen) was what Plato called the first glimpse of something. Morph, was the form in the since of a shape. Eidos, was the perfect participial indicating a transcendental object, or the possibility if the condition of an absolute object. These three phases Plato believes transforms into two realms, the realm of being and the realm of becoming. The realm of being Plato believes in unchangeable, internal, and permanent. On the other hand, the realm of becoming is mutable, changeable, and not permanent. Along with Plato's beliefs of the forms, and realms he also believed in Essential and Accidental qualities. He believed that essential qualities were things that could not change, such as human beings. Accidental qualities Plato believed were physical traits dealing with human beings such as an age, race, and name. .
             Plato's belief in qualities is present in today's religious society. The Christian religion believes that God is the only one that has true knowledge of the world.

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