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            Exercise has many beneficial effects on physical and mental wellness. These benefits include, lowering blood pressure and stress levels, increasing mental alertness, boosting metabolism, and increasing energy. Medical studies have proven that physical activity reduces the risk of health complications and premature death, regardless of genetics.
             A study done by researchers at the University of Helsinki, Finland showed the positive effects of exercise. The study tracked several men and women over a period of several years. It compared twin pairs, one of which was physically active, and the other sedentary. The "conditioned exerciser" had a 56% reduced risk of death when compared to the sedentary participant. The active participants had lower levels of stress, and lower blood pressure.
             In addition to cardiovascular exercise, activities such as strength training have many advantageous results. The average adult loses between 5-7 pounds of muscle every decade. Loss of muscle leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate. Adults who replace and maintain muscle through strength training use more calories throughout the day. A study done by Miriam Nelson at Tufts University in Boston showed that through strength training, forty women who exercised two times per week for one year increased bone density by one percent. The non-exercising group lost two percent. Strength training plays a major role in your overall health. .
             It may be easy for people to find excuses not to exercise. One of these excuses could be lack of time. Any amount of physical activity such as thirty minutes a day, three to four times a week can help. Another excuse may be being too tired. Actually, studies have proven that even a small amount of physical activity can increase energy levels and improve mental alertness. .
             Any exercise is better than no exercise at all. Being physically active gives us something to focus on and helps us to feel better about ourselves.

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