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Does God Have Gender?


             To answer this 1st we go to Christian Theology An introduction chapter 9 "The doctrine of God. Is God male Both new and old Testaments use male language about God. The Greek word theos is unquestionably masculine, and most of the analogies used for God throughout scripture- such as father, king, and shepherd are male. Does this mean God is male? ( McGrath 268-269 ) .
             To speak of God as father is to say that the father in ancient Isreal allows us insights into the nature of God. It is not to say that God is a male human being. ( McGrath 266 ).
             Neither male nor female sexuality is to be attributed to God, for sexuality is an attribute of the created order, which cannot be assumed to correspond directly to any such polarity within the creator God. ( McGrath 266). I am confused however I was brought up with religion in my life and through the Christian religion I learned that God was considered a Male human being and this was why all attributes to him were using male terminology throughout the Bible. However the same belief leaves others to believe that God is both Male and Female. Which confuses people even more do to the fact that no one born with both sexes is considered normal, but God had to be normal in some aspects. Indeed the old testament avoids attributing sexual functions to God, on account of the strongly pagan overtones of such associations. ( McGrath 266 ). The old testament refuses to endorse the idea that the gender or sexuality of God is a significant matter. ( McGrath 266 ) .
             As Mary Hayter put it: Today a growing number of feminists teach that God combines Male and Female characteristics. They, like those who assume that God is exclusively Male, should remember that any attribution of sexuality to God is a reversion to paganism.
             Wolfhart Pannenberg develops this point further in his Systematic Theology: The aspect of fatherly care in particular is taken over what the old testament has to say about God's fatherly care for Isreal.

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