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Liberal And Conservative: The Trying Times Of A President


            Liberal and Conservative: The trying times of a President.
             The common definitions of Liberal and Conservative are usually applicable to most Presidencies. During the terms that President Hoover and Roosevelt were in Office, most people used these terms to describe them. However, if you look more in depth as to what went on while they were in Office, you will notice some interesting changes that might have you think otherwise.
             President Herbert Hoover, elected in 1929 on the conservative ticket stated, "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land." This reinforced his Conservative believes, as he continued to criticize those of Liberals. "Liberalism should be found not striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set bounds to it- At the start of his term in office, he strongly dictated that "there shall be no domination by any group or combination in this republic, whether it be business or political It demands economic justice as well as political and social justice.".
             Within months, the stock market came crashing down, proving horrendous for the President's stance. The Nation started to spiral downward, moving quicker and quicker into a depression. Immediately after the crash, President Hoover stated that he would do everything to keep the banks balanced, to keep people spending money. As new elements emerged, making the economic situation worse, the President seemed to be disheartened as to the outlook. He reiterated his views as stated before that, "people must not suffer from hunger or cold. Caring for them must be primarily a local and a voluntary responsibility." He was attacked by many upon his new views; A scapegoat to some, to others, worse. He became defensive in Office, saying "I do not feel that I should be charged with lack of human symphony for those who suffer.".
             Sliding into the Oval Office in 1933, Franklin D.

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