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Picture of Dorian Gray


            The quest for eternal physical beauty has plagued societies for centuries. We live in a society that worships beauty. We are bombarded daily, sometimes even subliminally, by this eternal quest for beauty. Oscar Wilde explored this theme in his book, The Picture Of Dorian Gray. The book was written over 100 years ago but even today the emphasis on beauty and youth in our culture are stronger than ever. Our media always seems to feature young and beautiful people. How often do we see the elderly or fat people featured in advertisements? We have been taught to place more value on physical appearance than on the quality of character.
             Dorian Gray in The Picture of Dorian Gray lived during a time when appearance and status were paramount. Gray had everything; wealth, influence, youth, and intelligence. It was his beauty that inspired Basil Hallward to paint his portrait. Dorian believed that as long as he remained young, he would remain handsome. He believed that he would not be as beautiful if he aged. Lose of beauty would render him miserable. Lord Henry told Dorian "To me, beauty is the wonder of wonders. It is only shallow people that judge by inner beauty." Dorian is very pure when we first see him in the story and he gradually became depraved by the influence of Lord Henry. "He grew more and more enamored of his own beauty, more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul." It was his beauty that ruined him - the beauty and youth that he had dreamed of and prayed for. Dorian's vanity was out of control. He became a vain, arrogant, young man who ultimately traded his soul for eternal youth and good looks. Dorian believed that youth and beauty were the only things important in life worth having. .
             What is true beauty? Is it our outward appearance? I don't think so. I believe that true beauty resides within us. Quality of character, wisdom and inner beauty are far more valuable to me than physical appearance - particularly after 9/11.

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