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            After completing the assessment and viewing Robert Quinn's "Completing Values Framework", it shocked me to find out where I was placed on the circular scale. .
             Up to this point I have always looked at myself working very well with others, while also enjoying being in charge. I saw myself as a good manager yet only in certain aspects, especially interpersonal relationships. This assessment proved that I was right about that, but it also gave me a different view. .
             I had a peak in the "Human Relations" section, but I also had a larger peak in the "Rational Goal" section. This almost shocks me, and it also put a bit of a twist on my own view of a perfect job in the future. My ideal job is one in which I am given a particular part of a job working along with one or more people. I have always enjoyed group work, especially if the task is much more challenging than expected. Like I said before, I have always had a good interpersonal relationship with people, especially once talking to them one on one. Having somewhat poor public speaking ability, being able to make acquaintances one-on-one has helped out in friendships a lot. .
             Having taken this test and finding out that I am more of a planning type, surprised me, yet at the same time it's correct even though I have never viewed myself that way. Internally I wish to be a goal-setter, yet I haven't had opportunities to express it yet in the workplace. Once given the chance I am sure I will desire to take the lead and run the show with some organization. I find that once I have set myself a goal, I work much harder than normal, and I find it amazing and very self-relieving once I have met my desire. I would love to also involve friends and co-workers in my goals, and as I said before, I would enjoy a job with as much teamwork as possible. I don't think one person should take in all of the pain or all the glory for the actions done by a group.

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