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How to Hit A Baseball


             Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about how to hit a baseball.
             Central Idea: Baseball is a game of skill and technique that entertains millions of people every season, and by having the desire and practicing anyone can be a good hitter. .
             Audience Analysis: I believe that this is an interesting topic to inform the class on because it is something that I am very familiar with. I feel that I can answer any questions that might come up, and that it is something in which I can easily inform an audience on. It is appropriate to inform the class on, because it is Americans favorite past time and people get paid millions of dollars to do this.
             Introduction .
             I. Attention Material.
             A. What if someone offered you $15 million to stand in a batter's box and swing at a fastball coming at you at the average speed of 90 mph? .
             B. It doesn't happen often and in order to even be approached on it you have to know the basic ideas of hitting and practice them. .
             C. All of the players today have been playing for a really long time and most baseball players have even been playing since they were 5 years old. .
             II. Orienting Material .
             A. Hitting is a skill that requires a lot of practice, patients and technique.
             B. By practicing a person can help their swing and this can be by going to the batting cages or by just taking practice swings in the mirror. .
             C. I will show that baseball is a game of skill and technique that entertains millions of people every season, and by having the desire and practicing anyone can be a good hitter. .
             D. Most of my material will come from years of personal practice and ideas that I have been taught since I was 8 years old.
             Let's examine a players batting stance.
             I. Many players have their own personal stance and habits.
             A. However, they all begin with stepping into the batter's box. .
             1. Your stance should include your feet being shoulder with a part.
             2. You want to be comfortable so some players have their back heel up and have there front foot angled in front of them.

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