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How I Have Been Changed By A Child


            When I had first learned I was pregnant I was ecstatic. Children are such an important part of society and I was going to have one of my own. I knew I was in for something special, but I had no idea. I never knew how such a small person could change my life so much. His personality showed through when I was pregnant and thrives now that he is eighteen months old. With each new thing learned for him, there is another change in me.
             His first few months of life were hard for me with the lack of sleep. His schedule definitely didn't match up with mine. Nonetheless he has changed me to be the mother he needed. He taught me how to comfort him when he was in distress. I also learned how to care for someone else's needs before ever considering my own. He always let me know how he felt, even from the beginning. When he was happy he would coo, and when he was upset he would cry. As he grew older, he learned how to do more things, such as, crawling and walking. When he first started crawling it was more like scooting on his belly. He was so excited he could go from one place to another without the help of his father or me. I remember standing there, watching him crawl, and thinking how it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. My son could crawl, could life get any better than this? .
             July 27, 2003 my son turned a year old and was on the verge of walking. It wasn't just that though, he was talking, playing, and experiencing so much for the first time. Children's toys are geared towards developing a child's mind. So, with all of his new toys came all new learning experiences. He also was trying to talk. Though, not many people could understand what he said since it was in baby talk His speaking has evolved some in the past few months. He now says several words and phrases. When he is with another child they can carry on conversations and each knows just what they are saying. One thing he says that makes me proud is "Thank you.

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