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Les Miserables

             In Les Miserables, Victor Hugo uses the foil technique in developing Jean Valjean and Javert. The foil technique is when you contrast two characters to make each one more vivid. As Jean Valjean from being a convict to a morally good person, and Javert being a man strictly devoted to law, their lifestyles take part in both of their deaths. Hugo does an excellent job portraying these characters as using the technique of foil. .
             The early days of Jean Valjean's life was bitter and he had no sympathy at any cost. "Get out," said Jean Valjean. "Monsieur!" continued they boy, "Give me my piece." Jean Valjean steals a coin from the most poorest of all persons could be. And from a child, at that. That proves how bitter and unsympathetic he was. But then things began to change. "What a wrench I am!" He realizes all his wrong doings as he saw a light,that had touched his soul. The light has reference to the candlesticks of which the bishop had given him. Meaning to light up a new heart felt flame in his life. "Give me 3 days! 3 days to go for the child of this unhappy woman! I will pay whatever is nesessary." Jean Valjean proves his honesty, that he will do whatever necessary to get Cosette. In which he does so. .
             Javert and his work as a police enforcer, led to the obsession of his work and the findings of Jean Valjean. "Monsieur, may I come to ask you to be so kind as to make charges and procure my dismissal." Javert is so abiding by the law that he will confess to such action that would lead him to loose his own job. "I will wait here for you." Javert is to wait for Jean Valjean while he brings Marius in his home. Then Javert will finally do what he has been wanting to do for so long. To imprison him. But Javert lets him be. .
             Which comes to question, should Javert pursue his life, becasue Javert's life is the law.
             The lifestyles of both Javert and Jean Valjean had lead to their death. Javert had such an obsession with the law, which caused him to take away his own life.

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