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The Day of Many Firsts

            I remember the feelings of joy that I had, when I woke up that early morning. I sat straight up, as if a knife had been stabbed into my back, and could not go back to sleep. I lie there on my bed and watched the horizon turn red and warm like velvet. As the sun peeked its head over the lip of the earth, I could already tell what a perfect day it was going to be. It seemed like hours as I lay there waiting for my father to come bursting in the door to tell me it was time. When he did, the excitement ran through my veins like water in a fire hose. I was going to my first football game; not only a football game but also the super bowl. I ran to the living room to get everything ready that we would need for the day. During the tedious drive to the stadium, I could not overcome the excitement that I felt. When we arrived at the stadium, I was in awe. It made me feel so small compared to it size. When I got inside, I met three of the players from the teams. I had to keep from staring because they were huge. It was this day that I found my true passion for football.

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