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Is It ok For A Woman to Run For President?

            Is It OK For A Woman to Run For President?.
             What would the people of the United States say about a woman being the President and running their country? There would be many opinions and consultations about it. Many people would oppose a woman president as well as others would vote for it. In my opinion I would be for it! Every woman deserves the right to speak out.
             Seventy-six percent of Americans are personally comfortable with a woman president and eighty-two percent with a woman as vice president. There have been at least 38 female presidential candidates since the year 1872. Women have served as president in many other countries outside of our own including Ireland, Latvia, Indonesia, Finland, Switzerland and SanMarino. Shirley Chisholm from New York was the first African-American woman elected to congress. She was a committed advocate for progressive causes, many of which were directly connected to improving the lives of women, including improving education, ending discrimination, increasing the availability of childcare and expanding the coverage of the federal minimum wage laws to include domestic employment. In 1972, she became the first woman to run for president. Since then, the funding for women's .
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             health has steadily increased. Women now have more legal protection against sexual and other types of harassment, and, in general, issues affecting women are debated more than ever by our nation's leaders. However, there are still many issues that affect women and we must continue to be engaged in the political process and active in our communities. We must remain committed to protecting a woman's right to choose, fighting for equal pay, providing affordable housing, protecting social security and Medicare and improving education. We need to demand to be heard! If a female president can breathe a fresh breeze into public life, it is worthwhile for society to take a step forward and elect one.

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