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            The Martin Scorseses motion picture Goodfellas is a all time classic movie about the world of organized crime. Goodfellas is based a novel Wise Guy written by Nicolas Pileggi. The film starts off during the 1950's in New York City. The story is about a poor Irish- Italian man named Henry Hill. Hill is a criminal who does everything in his will to rise to the top ranks of his Brooklyn organized crime family, while he has his family living the wealthy lifestyle off the money he makes from the crimes he commits. Ultimaly leading up to him Forced to testify in court against his former partners and crimes buddies in court. .
             Henry started off working for the local hang out where the wise guys mafia crew hung out. He started doing little jobs like parking cars and little running errands. After a few years went by he moved up in rank and started upscale jobs like working in a underground gambling ring torching cars, and selling cigars. Although these were still little jobs this would lead up to him becoming a main man in no time. He winds up being arrested and by only getting a slap on the wrist Henry winds up getting the respect and trust that he needs to start his way in the mafia crime world. .
             By his 20's Henry crew Tommy and Jimmy started doing big jobs to not only improve their financial status, but they gained social status and respect from the other member in local mafia crews around them. They stole many different products Robbing trucks for things like shrimp, lobsters, and of course fur coats. They made money off this from the black market where they sold the stuff for fractions of the cost. They were able to do jobs like this because people feared them and they also paid off the cops so that there weren"t really investigated at all. Henry really hit it big when he pulled a heist with his crew robbing an over sea bank exchange from the Air France loading dock.

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