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Back to School Organizational Tips

            When the school year starts it can be difficult to keep everyone on track. The various homework assignments, after school sports, clubs, and activities can become overwhelming. Fortunately there are a number of tips that can be implemented to make everything run more smoothly.
             The Google Calendar is one way to make sure no important events or deadlines are missed. The calendar can be color coded for individuals and can be updated online or by cell phone by anyone in the family. You can view the calendar in day, week, or month format and can have reminders sent automatically to your phone in the form of a text message. The calendar information can be shared with anyone you like so you can make sure other caregivers know what is going on. This free tool allows you to easily organize your entire family so the new going back to school engagements do not become a source of anxiety.
             Family routines are also beneficial in soothing back to school anxiety and in helping students start and stay organized throughout the year. Set out clothes for the school the night before and have a morning routine firmly in place so everyone knows what needs to be done and how long they have to do it. This will help children feel confident and at ease instead of anxious and rushed. After school each day, make sure there is a homework routine in place so children don't get off task and forget to complete assignments. A before bedtime routine will insure children get enough sleep so their morning routine is effortless.
             One way to make sure homework routines are effective is to create a homework station. The station needs to be away from the television and other distractions. You should let them help choose the colors for the area and the accessories so they become vested and want to spend time there working. Make sure they have access to good lighting, a comfortable chair, school supplies, and if possible a computer.

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