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"Mystery Shoppers" Recruited to Conduct Survey on Physicians

            In response to the shortage in primary care physicians and the government's new laws regarding private health insurance, Obama administration officials are recruiting "mystery shoppers" who will experience and report firsthand on the growing problem. Although many physicians are angered at the idea, the administration says the survey will address a "critical public policy problem," the increasing shortage of primary care physicians. Furthermore, the administration is concerned that the remaining available doctors are turning away patients in government health programs because they pay lower reimbursement rates than those patients who can afford private insurance (Pear). .
             In 2010, President Obama signed a monumental health care bill that will expand coverage to 32 million Americans who are currently uninsured. Individuals and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level will be granted subsidies to purchase insurance through state-based exchanges. The entire plan, which is predicted to cost $940 billion over ten years, will be paid from Medicare Payroll tax on investment income (Jackson). .
             The health care laws passed last year will grant an additional 30 million Americans coverage, which will only add to the existing shortage. "These newly insured Americans will need to seek out new primary care physicians, further exacerbating the already growing problem of P.C.P. shortages in the United States," said the Department of Health and Human Services when it described the "mystery shopper" project to the White House (Pear).
             The mystery shoppers are expected to call medical practices and ask if doctors are accepting new patients. If they are, the mystery shoppers want to know how long the wait will be. This information will be gathered and used to determine if doctors are giving different answers to callers depending on whether they have public insurance or private insurance (Pear).

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