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Final Analytical Report

            Completed by Meaghan Kenney, Prospective Branch Manager .
             For Donna Kelleher, President, CEO and Founder.
             Dear Ms. Kelleher,.
             Enclosed is the complete analytical report I have compiled per your request. The essence of the report is to highlight the importance of providing quality child care to busy working families as described in the NGCC's mission statement and two major amendments that can be added to the NGCC's business model that would increase the benefits that NGCC contributes to Massachusetts. The report focusses on;.
             1. Implementing a financial assistance option to families who qualify, and.
             2. Opening branch locations in low-income areas of Massachusetts .
             As you know, there are many studies focused on the impact Early Childhood Education has on children as they enter elementary school and even on through their adult lives. It is important to remember, however, that the impact is greatest on those children coming from low income homes and communities.
             Many efforts have been made to address the gap between high income and low income individuals to access higher education, but it is also essential to bring attention to the unequal access to education in the early years for those children of low income backgrounds.
             I hope that this report motivates you to take action in revising the tuition model that will allow for a financial aid option for families who qualify. As well, I urge you to meet with the board members and discuss opening a location in one of the lower-income cities of Massachusetts in the near future. .
             I appreciate your time and consideration of addressing the points made in this report and look forward to working with you in the near future.
             Meaghan Kenney.
             Table of Contents.
             Abstract. .Page 1.
             Introduction .Page 2.
             List of Illustrations .
             Figure 1 Page 3.
             Figure 2 Page 4.

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