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Achieving and Maintaining Excellence

            "People with a high level of personal mastery live in a continual learning mode." (Smith, 2001) I am one person who feels you can never stop learning. I strive to learn something new every day. I want to be successful and in order for that to happen I need to continually learn and understand the things that are going on around me and my clients. I want to learn new ways to help them be successful with or without my help. I need to make sure to get all the information I need at any moment so that I will be helpful to the clients as they need it.
             Mental Models .
             "The discipline of mental models starts with turning the mirror inward" (Smith, 2001) If I want to help others I need to make sure that I do not let my personal issues get involved. I cannot help someone else be happy with them if I am not happy with myself. I need to make sure that I keep an open mind when I am dealing with others who I may not agree with. Such as, I do not like the fact that there are people who sexually abuse others. I must understand that there is a reason that they are doing it and I need to help them find the reason and not judge them about it.
             Shared Vision.
             "When there is a genuine vision (as opposed to the all-to-familiar 'vision statement'), people excel and learn, not because they are told to, but because they want to." (Smith, 2001) When I am dealing with clients I need to be sure to explain to them why we want to proceed with a certain program or support. If I explain to them why they will understand the ultimate goal rather than me just saying because this is what needs to be done. Taking the time to help them understand will help all involved.
             Team Learning.
             Team learning is "the process of aligning and developing the capacities of a team to create the results its members truly desire" (Smith, 2001) In order to be successful we always need help.

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