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Summary of Critical Thinking

            Critical thinking is important in today's society because critical thinking skills give individuals the ability to not only understand what they have read or been shown, but also to build upon that knowledge without prior guidance. Critical thinking teaches students that knowledge is endless and constructs upon itself. Critical thinking is not merely conditioning memorization or the skill to catch onto lessons automatically. Critical thinking allows individuals the ability to think clearly and rationally and these skills are important for whatever one chooses to do in life. If one decides work in medicine, marketing, education or the legal profession, then critical thinking is clearly significant. Critical thinking skills are not limited to a specific subject area. Individuals who are able to think well and solve problems systematically have an asset that is valuable for any career, as well as survival in society, and making strides towards creating a critical society. .
             Critical thinking is an important skill set to have in society because it allows others to see that one can comprehend a topic beyond its surface level. According to G. Randy Katsen, "The ability to think critically is one skill separating innovators from followers. Critical thinking reduces the power of advertisers, the unscrupulous and the pretentious, and can neutralize the sway of an unsupported argument."1 Thinking critically is very important in the work place because critical thinking provides one with a method to use when dealing with information and that is very valuable and very much expected of a future employee. Critical thinking enables one to take on an abundance of information and this is critical when working in any profession. In today's society one needs to be able to retain and respond to information given to them as efficiently as possible. Another reason critical thinking is important when in the workplace is because it allows employees to sum up information in a way that makes sense to them or help make sense of information to other employees.

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