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Summary of Nazi Experiments

            When people think of doctors they picture white coats and someone to heal their ills. Unfortunately the doctors you will read about in the following paper don't fit that picture. Doctors that swore The Hippocratic Oath-turned the world of medicine into a nightmare, their medical procedures were not meant to heal, but to harm and to end one's life, not to save it. Under the Hippocratic Oath, a physician is sworn to aid the "sick according to their ability and judgement, but never with a view of injury or wrongdoing.they will abstain all intentional wrongdoing and harm." These doctors were the doctors of the Holocaust and worked at Auschwitz and Dachau and committed crimes that are still unimaginable.
             During the Second World War, the infamous Nazi doctors played a crucial role. Why would doctors betray those they took an oath to serve? Hitler and Himmler's health minister made it known to those in the medical field that a decision had been made at the highest level. This decision was the start of the Nazi doctors infamous history during World War two. These doctors were to get rid of the citizens deemed useless. SS officers would search through the thousands of Jews to see if anyone had a mental illness, severe handicap, eyes that were two different colors, a clubbed foot, was a giant, a dwarf, hunchbacked, a twin, or any other odd physical difference. The elderly, the young and the terminally ill were also often condemned to misfortune. Doctors would then examine them and perform terrible experiments on them. Few German doctors felt the need to refuse these orders. They believed as Hitler did, that they were getting rid of the undesirables to allow for the perfect race. Therefore the doctors chose to not help the sick and dying. Instead the doctors became their executioners. The Nazi doctors carried out their work with no remorse or a conscience. These medical experiments were split up into three categories.

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