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The Hardest Time

            There are times when it feels it is easier to give up especially when your family isn't perfect, but I have learned there is no such thing as a perfect family. I would have never figured this out if I had given up. There are times where all you think about is giving up. My parents divorced when I was around thirteen it took me awhile to get through it and understand it because there was nothing in my hands that I could've done. Their divorce has affected me a lot in school. I didn't want to be a weak minded about it but it just got to me and suddenly everything changed.
             When I was a toddler I saw everything about my family as if it were perfect. My dad would take care of me daily, tuck me into bed and play with me constantly. My mother would feed me and sing to me until I would fall asleep. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday my father would take me, my sister, and mother to an amusement park and out to eat. Our family would get along and be united, it was all I ever dreamed of.
             Then came the time every parent dreaded for their child, becoming a young adult entering into my teenage years. Things started to change in my family. I noticed that I was a stranger to my own house. They did not know anything about me with the exception of my name and date of birth. They didn't know who I was, and neither did I. My parents didn't know what my favorite color was nor what I liked to eat and what I don't like.
             Home became a strange place for me. Time passed then my parents began arguing frequently. I had no clue of what was going on. My father became very aggressive towards my sisters and me, he began to physically abuse us, use his own flesh and blood as his own personal punching bag as a release of his own rage. There were moments where we would have to call the police or go to school with bruises.
             All the change that happened in my house affected me at school. By the time, I was a freshman in highschool and my parents continued with the same old arguments and fights .

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