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Making Eggs with Tomato

            Egg with tomato is a traditional home made Chinese dish. It tastes a little sweet and sour, but it's very delicious. One can cook this dish when one has no idea what to eat for the meal because it is very easy to make, and most ingredients of this dish are really inexpensive. Although egg with tomato seems so simple to cook that most Chinese people know how to make it, not too many of them can cook very well because they are unaware of the steps of preparing the dish's egg to bring out the delicious egg with tomato flavor. Preparation plays a significant role in cooking egg with tomato because it will ruin the texture if it lacks one or two ingredients. The ingredients for egg with tomato include three eggs, two tomatoes, and one green onion; also, salt, one cup of water, pepper, white wine, olive oil and sugar are very important for the dish. Cutting session is very easy. After washing the tomatoes and green onion, one just cuts the tomatoes into chunks and chops the green onion. Next step is to scramble the eggs. It is fundamental because it can directly affect the eggs' texture as well as the flavor. Crack three eggs into a small bowl and use the egg -beater to scramble the eggs until one sees a bubble in the egg. If one cannot scramble the eggs very evenly, then later the eggs' color will be white and yellow instead of golden yellow. It will not only look terrible but also taste displeasing. It will also make one lose his/her appetite. Next step is a secret that one cannot find in any Chinese cuisine books for cooking egg with tomato because it's from my grandma's own experience. The secret is to add one quarter tea spoon of white wine and one spoon of water to the scramble eggs. It makes egg look much tender and fresher; also, putting some salt and pepper to the eggs is a benefit since it eliminates the eggs' smell.
             The best way to cook egg with tomato is cook the eggs before the tomato because the result of cooking tomato first will produce too many juices that totally ruin the dish.

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