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Discriptive Essay of a Water fountain

             The Dixie Sate College campus is neither new nor old. It has seen its share of new and old students come and go. Nothing in particular stands out or falls into the shadows of another. The campus has its own sense of style with its green grass everywhere, and the matching bricks found on every building. Walking through the Dixie campus one would surely feel at home and welcome. The campus is quite nice in every aspect, except in one location. This location is the one place on campus that is lacking and wanting. It is the water fountain.
             The water fountain is surrounded by pale green grass, and a dozen or so trees that stand about twenty feet tall. The grass is usually very tall which might indicate that it receives little care. The trees look as if they are all oak trees or perhaps maple. The water fountain sprays approximately five streams of heavy water that are closely grouped that makes it look like in reality that there is only one stream of water. The geyser spits about ten too eleven feet in the air. If an individual was standing down wind of the fountain he or she might feel a slight bit of moisture making it feel humid and would more than likely be able to smell a faint odor of chlorine. The water that is being omitted looks fairly clean, but taking a closer look at the pool the water looks very murky. The whole atmosphere is not at all appealing. .
             The water fountain is located near to the middle of Dixie's campus. It is in a location that most college students are forced to walk by to go to many of their classes. Even though there is a walkway that protrudes directly through the water fountain, it seems as though no one chooses to walk by it. The feeling of avoidance, aloneness, and awkwardness are some of the suppressed feelings that a student or visitor might feel while passing by. People never stop to look at the fountain and never spend time near it. Conversations most likely are few and far between near the fountain.

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