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Reverse Discrimination

             In this essay by Professor of philosophy Lisa Newton, she discuses reverse discrimination. She believes reverse discrimination as unjustified and just wrong. Throughout this piece she backs up her theory with many good points that also agree with as well.
             She Begins to talk about how people define "simple justice" and how it means that we favor blacks and women. This statement is defined by the fact the in history these two groups were excluded from many opportunities. She disagrees with this "simple justice" stating that it will not help anyone but make more confusion. .
             To back her theory up, she uses the idea's of Aristotle and what he has theorized about the Greeks. He stated that there should be equality amongst all men and she interprets this in the modern day setting as he meant all people. She also goes into justice and injustice and she defines an injustice as the violation of equality and discrimination against any group. .
             The best way she summarized her whole theory on this matter was in two words. These two words are an "ironic paradox". This means that the ideal of equality justifies the violation of justice. Discrimination is a bad thing to have and if there is reverse discrimination then in one sense or another there is still discrimination going on. In a perfect world there would be no discrimination at all but we do not live an a perfect world. The world we live in has discrimination and reverse discrimination and Lisa Newton realizes this as well.

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