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            For decades many of undocumented have fled their countries to America to start a new life and to give there kids a promising future. Are we to control that comes in to America. Of Coarse, yet how we must do it is the struggling question that for many years has clouded our minds. At times I wonder what would have happened to me if it were not for my parents to take that life or death chance of crossing the border. When I asked them the only answer they could come up with was to give my brothers and me a better future, my mother said at least in America you would have the choice. I was a little bewildered buy the notion of what she said, she went into detail on how in Mexico you have no choice its either work the fields or starve to death. She said that school was not as important in the fields, learning how to survive was the only important thing in a Mexicans life. .
             For awhile when I was growing up the felt unappreciated and at times felt hopeless with my work, considering none of my parents were there to help me with my homework and if they were they wouldn't be able too, since the highest grade they achieved was 3rd grade. It is very easy to judge other people especially when you don't know anything about them. As a Mexican American it has been very difficult, the stereotypes, the cornering questions of economic condition. Dealing with the poverty as a youth was very devastating. .
             I recall everyone else around me having the latest gym shoes, and clothing. There were many unprecedented questions about my clothes the way I talked and my mannerisms. .

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