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Act One

             Ask a man face to face how much of what he does is an act, and of course the response will be i'm 100 percent original man, that he has nothing to hide, what you see is what you get, and that he is the manliest person alive. The truth is that the absolute only time when you are your true self, hiding nothing at all, 100 percent natural, is when you are alone. For example, when a man is alone it is alright to listen to music that in public would otherwise be labeled as feminine, because he doesn't have to put on any kind of show for anyone because he is by himself, he is completely vulnerable, and it is a side that no one knows about. I also think though that as a man grows older he grows out of the phase of trying to hide his feminine side, simply because there isn't too much point to hide it anymore because either he is married, or he's reached the point where he just doesn't really care what people think anymore. So at the present stage I am at in my life, if asked how much of what I do is an act, well, not as much as you"d think. This one time though, the act was at full throttle so to speak. In other words, any slight deviation from the act of manliness would have been catastrophic. Let me explain. .
             One of the most difficult things that a public school student encounters is the move from middle school to high school. Something that makes it even harder is to move from one state to another in the same transition from eighth to ninth grade because that is complete solidarity; you don't even have one acquaintance to help you through this difficult time in life. Well this happened to me, and to make matters even worse, there was another new student coming in from a different state that year. One would think, well that isn't so bad, at least you can relate to the guy. Well, not this guy, because this guy liked guys, and this made it extra hard on me to fit in. We both showed up the first day of class and happened to be in the same home room, which is the room you report to everyday before you begin your regular schedule of classes.

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