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The Love Song of J. Alfred Profrock

            S Eliot, is a poem that portrays the life of the main character. His work is based on a wide range of cultural reference to depict a modern world that is in ruins yet somehow beautiful and deeply meaningful. The title character of "Profrock" is a perfect example: solitary, neurasthenic, overly intellectual, and utterly incapable of expressing himself to the outside world. He frequently mixes his life with his poems.
             The opening stanza in the poem is an epigraph from Dante's Inferno. An epigraph is a quotation set at the beginning of a literacy to suggest the theme of the poem. "The epigraph to this poem describes Profrock's ideal listener: one who is as lost as the speaker and will never betray to the world the content of Profrock's present confessions. In the world Prufrock describes, though, no such sympathetic figure exists, and he must, therefore, be content with silent reflection". Profrock believes that sitting back and isolating himself from society is the perfect way to live his life.
             There are many images in the poem that relate to the personality of Profrock. "The kinds of imagery Eliot uses also suggest that something new can be made from the ruins: The series of hypothetical encounters at the poem's center are iterated and discontinuous but nevertheless lead to a sort of epiphany (albeit a dark one) rather than just leading nowhere". One image in the poem is "should have been a pair of ragged claws / Scuttling across the floors of silent seas". "Crabs are scavengers, garbage-eaters who live off refuse that makes its way to the sea floor. At the very least, this notion subverts romantic ideals about art; at best, it suggests that fragments may become reintegrated, that art may be in some way therapeutic for a broken modern world". This applies to Profrock as he foresees the lives of other people, commenting on them, while not worrying about himself.
             The repetition of "There will be time" is the belief of Profrock that there is a lot of time in the world for him to accomplish the goals he has in life.

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