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             Bill and Jim meet in the pro shop at their favorite golf course. Since they are both looking to play a round they decide to go out as a twosome. Bill suggests that to make things more interesting they bet $100 on the round. Jim thinks this is a good idea and agrees. Just as they are setting up to tee off on the first hole Jim suggests that to make it really interesting they play by the gotcha rules. Bill asks what the gotcha rules are and Jim replies that each player gets to use two gotcha's at any time during the round and that a gotcha can be anything to startle or distract the other player such as a loud noise or a visual distraction. things go smoothly on the first hole but as Bill is in his backswing for the tee off on the second hole Jim pulls a starters pistol out of his pocket and fires it. This of course has the desired effect and Bill tops his ball and it goes all of ten yards from the tee. Not to be outdone Bill pulls a leftover firecracker out of his golf bag and sets it off just as Jim is putting the second hole which causes him to three putt the hole. No one uses their gotcha on the third hole but bill decides to use his last one on the fourth hole to counter a very good tee shot. Jim slices his second shot into the rough and going into the fifth hole their scores are even up. They finish the round without Jim using his last gotcha but he wins the round by several strokes anyway. Bill asks why Jim didn't use his second gotcha and Jim replies that he did, on every hole from the fifth on. You see, he said, I"m not that good a golfer but having you anticipating my last gotcha gave me just enough edge to beat you and take your $100. .
             Since 9-11-01 we have been living in a gotcha world. The destruction of the world trade center was one hell of a gotcha. There have been threats of terrors to come by the boatload - gotcha. We have had alerts issued sometimes on a daily basis - gotcha.

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