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Chrysalids - Reading for Understanding

            The novel, The Chrysalids by John Wyndham, is a book based on the despair of our society in the past, present, and future. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where any difference from the "Supposed" true image of God was an abomination and a blasphemy before God who had fashioned man in his own image and must be dealt with immediately before the evil could spread. The main character, David, soon learned to what extent his society would go to in these cases. As one of David's friends is banished for possessing an extra toe, he begins to question the morality of the town. When David's own life goes into jeopardy because of his telepathy, he must flee the town he grew up in. .
             One of the most prevalent themes in this book was the abundance of racism. The people of Waknuk possess an air of arrogance and hatred of those who derive from the true image. This all comes about from people hating anyone or thing that is different from themselves. Even after the Tribulation occurred, people had forgotten why the Tribulation came about, and they started the abusive, discriminatory behavior once again. The Waknukians did not learn that arrogance and racism is what brought upon their misfortune in the first place. Not only did the Waknukians act like this, but communities all over the world were said to be taking strict measures to eliminate people different from themselves. It is sad to think that echoes of racism, bigotry and prejudice are still heard in this post-apocalyptic world. They did not accept anything different from each other, and banished any difference. I, myself have experienced racism, but never to a serious degree. I am reminded of a time in my life of when I went to visit my grandmother's when I was very young. I was at the nearby park with my brother, when a group of malicious-looking adolescents approached us. At first we opted to ignore them, but they eventually came to where we were playing.

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