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People are objects

             In general, women are not looked at as objects anymore than men. There are certain types of people who draw attention to themselves as objects; however, I do strongly believe that these types of people are not solely women. The person who brought up this idea is most likely referring the type of attention some people get for being sexually attractive. If this is the case, then I believe that the view was very bias, because had the person looked at the whole picture, they would find that American society revolves around sex, and as the old saying goes, it takes two.
             I don't see where the problem lies in this situation seeing as how both men and women are viewed as sexual objects without discrimination and no one is held back by the situation. If anything, I believe that it helps propel our society. Think of it this way: it is human nature to want, and what do people want? People want objects. People want cars, money, food, homes, and of coarse, other people all of which fit under the category of objects. .
             So what is the problem here? The answer is quite simple. The person who thinks there is a problem with being viewed as an object clearly has a much narrower view of object than I do, and is perhaps forgetting that she and/or he, just like all men and women, has looked at a member of the opposite sex as an object before. .

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