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Aristotle & Euripides

             Both Aristotle and Euripides felt that a democracy was important, and that the people should rule their community. Euripides thought it was ridiculous to have a government run by one ruler. He felt that all should have fair say since everyone had knowledge in different areas and should have the right to share that knowledge to help, and also to stay silent when they didn't know. Aristotle felt that the state should be ruled by many, however, not all in the upper or lower class, but rather the middle class since they were usually the mean in any state. .
             Euripides felt that all should have fair say in the laws and rule the land, no matter what class they fell into economically. He felt that nothing was worse than a tyrant; one person to make all of the laws and rules for a land. Wherever an oppressor like this rules the land, it is not possible for just the law to. Euripides felt that when all men rule equally," If his cause be just, the poor man can prevail against a wealthy adversary" (1). He also felt that "Anyone having good advice to give to the city should be heard, and anyone with nothing to say may choose to remain silent" (1). This is equality when governing a city. If there is one person to rule every aspect and every person, what happens when a situation arises involving something that person has no knowledge in? That is when a city falls. There would be a much better chance of the city surviving if those with the knowledge could speak freely in order to help, and if what they have to say is taken into consideration.
             Aristotle felt that the middle class should be the majority in a city. He felt that the "ordinary people" can work together collectively and contribute more than the "few best" (11). " each individual, left to himself, forms and imperfect judgment" (11). This shows that Aristotle felt that decisions should be made by a group and not by an individual or a select few who were thought to be the "best".

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