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            When I sit and think about my family, I try to think of a story to try to show my mom's weird sense of humor or my brother's way of talking for hours on a subject that he knows nothing about, but I can't. My family isn't very close. The reason my family is distant is because when I was twelve my parents, like many other couples, got a divorce. When I was young I shared a room with my brother and was very close to him and my sister. Now I am lucky if I talk to them every couple weeks. My mom lives less than ten minutes away but I never just go to see her unless I have a reason. .
             With the modern thought that marriage is no longer a lifetime commitment, my family is becoming the norm of today's culture. A couple will get married without thinking about the long-term effects. To try to fix their problems they have a few kids thinking kids will draw them closer together, but they are only torn apart. When they finally divorce, the kids are put through a tough decision of whom to live with. Once the child has chosen the parent to live with, the other parent is seen less and less and sometimes not at all.
             I know from personal experience that divorce is a painful experience for a child. The most painful experience isn't just the fact that one of the parents won't be seen as much, but divorce makes the child question everything in his life. A child bases most of his future relationships on that of his parents" relationship. If the only thing a child knows is his parents fighting and never wanting to be with each other, then most of his relationships will end up broken. Because I know and believe that I am predestined to fail in many relationships, I have become a very pessimistic person who is afraid of letting people get close to me for the fear of them leaving.
             For myself, living with my dad has made me very much like him, good and bad. I have pretty much the same personality as my dad, even though I wish I didn't.

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