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             The first step is to find a male betta and a female betta. The male has long fins and bright coloration the female has dull color and short fins.
             Figure 1: Male Betta This is my Figure 1: Female Betta.
             pride and joy. I was offerd $150.
             for this rare halfmoon double tail betta.
             Next its time to start the conditioning faze. This is the most important part of this process because spawning takes a lot out of bettas.
             Step 1. Conditioning should last for 1-3 weeks.
             Step 2. Clean water is a must. Keep your bettas' bowl cleaner than normal during the conditioning period. A ½ gallon bowl should be cleaned ounce every 2 days.
             Step 3. Feeding is important. Feed your bettas' live foods. Mosquito larvas are the best choice but freeze dried blood worms and brine shrimp are good choices. Feed your bettas' 2-4 times a day in small portions.
             Tank Setup.
             It is best to do this faze while conditioning is taking place. Setting up your spawning tank is very important. These are the step in making sure your tank is in the right condition for the spawn.
             Step 1. The size of the tank. Spawning tanks range from 2 gallons to 10 gallons. The most popular tank is the 10 gallon because it give room for the fry (babies) to grow. I will explain as though you were using a 10 gallon tank.
             Step 2. Clean the tank. Do not use soap of any kind this will kill your fish! Use only hot water and a clean cloth rag. Be sure not to place the tank near your heater or air conditioner.
             Step 3. Fill the tank with about 2-3 gallons of water. .
             Step 4. Condition the water with Seachem's Prime. This is a water conditioner and it can be found in your local pet store.
             Step 5. A stable ph is important. A neutral ph is best but as long as it is stable that is fine.
             Tank equipment setup.
             Step 1. Finding a heater. A submersible heater is the best. You will also need a thermometer.

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