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            Mononucleosis is technically called infectious mononucleosis or glandular fever, but is generally referred to as "mono" for short. It occurs primarily between the ages of 10 and 35 years old. When younger children are infected, it causes little or no illness. Such exposure does, however, create an immunity to the disease. Nearly 90% of Americans have antibodies for mononucleosis by age 40. Mono has an incubation period of 30 to 40 days and the symptoms usually last 7 to 14 days but can last for several weeks. The virus can stay alive within the body for several months. The name mononucleosis comes from the fact that the disease distorts the white blood cells, causing them to only have one nucleus. Only a blood test called the mononucleosis spot test can determine if someone has the disease.
             The following symptoms can be present with mono, but most likely not all will be. .
             Sore throat, usually red .
             Enlarged lymph nodes in all parts of the body .
             Fever .
             Nausea .
             Loss of appetite .
             Extreme fatigue .
             Enlarged spleen (2/3 of mono patients) .
             Ulceration of the pharynx (sometimes) .
             Swelling of the upper eyelid .
             Trouble breathing .
             Rapid heart beat .
             Red rash on the body (about 15% of mono patients) .
             Oversensitivity to light .
             So this is no little illness. You should call the emergency department of my doctor for further advice when:.
             After your first diagnostic or contact visit, call him if:.
             1. There is a sudden, severe, unrelieved abdominal pain.
             2. You have sufficient trouble swallowing so that you are not eating or drinking anything.
             3. You have trouble breathing.
             4. You notice a rash.
             5. Your skin and/or eyes look yellowish.
             6. Your fever goes up above 100 F. after is has been normal for several day.
             7. You develop a stiff and painful neck.
             If none of the above happen, which they probably won't, go for your regular recheck appointment.
             CAUSES .
             Mononucleosis is thought to be caused by the Epstein-Barr (EB) virus in 9 out of 10 cases.

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