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World of snobs in

            Thackeray and the Victorian world of snobs.
             William Makepeace Thackeray studied in a satirical and moralistic light upper- and middle-class English life - he was once seen as the equal of his contemporary Dickens, or even as his superior. English journalist, novelist, famous for his novel VANITY FAIR (1848), a tale of two middle-class London families. Most of Thackeray's major novels were published as monthly serials. In the 1840s Thackeray started to gain name as a writer.
             In Vanity Fair he gave a panoramic picture of high life in England, and created one of the most fascinating immoral female characters, Becky Sharp. "I think I could be a good woman if I had five thousand a year." (from Vanity Fair) The book brought him prosperity and made him established writer and popular lecturer in Europe and in the United States.
             The etymological studying of the word snob it show's us that it comes from abbreviation of ''it self-nobility'' words (without nobility). Strictly etymological, a snob is, a man without nobility, without emblem. In England, after the middle-class revolution, the word acquired much complex overtones, and the snobbery became a large proportions phenomenon representing the mentality of an entire social group.
             This explains why William Makepeace Thackeray ended the period of the literary beginnings with a " Book of Snobs". But his concern for the snobbery phenomena doesn't end here. Almost all the novels of the English realistic are about snobs and snobbery.
             The snob type, of the man without nobility and fighting hard to conquest if not the title, at least its equivalence, equivalence stated in influence, manners, language, was extremely characteristic for England, after the middle-class revolution, where a rich middle-class, managing the destinies of a country, feels the fascinating attraction of a drawn blazonry. .
             Thackeray understood that the history of this social class. The history of English snobbism is incomplete, if it isn't fallowed from the appearance of the phenomena on the firmament of social life.

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