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Discovery through Absolute Ori

            Discovery through Absolute Originality.
             When it comes to finding one's true self there is no absolute authority. Some people go about their entire life happily without even feeling any tendencies toward finding their inner, true self. With this in mind I will consider those who believe that living and thinking differently from others guarantee's the fact that they have found their true self by escaping alienation. .
             Alienation is the influence of outside forces that effects the way a person acts. Alienation can take two different forms, cohesion and indoctrination. The question is, does living and thinking differently ensures the lack of alienation? This concept of originality does defy cohesion which is when actions are some how controlled by an outside force but neither values nor thoughts are controlled. The greater question is does originality nullify the possibility of indoctrination. From the first glance it appears that yes the original liver and thinker goes against set doctrines and traditions and so must not be alienated in the form of indoctrination either. The lack of alienation would make originality an authentic way to find one's true self. .
             Someone must look closer than just the obvious to see the problem behind the originality philosophy. Alienation is just outside forces effecting the actions of a person. Though originality does not adhere to indoctrination it does allow indoctrination to effect the actions, and more importantly the values, of those who practice it. By saying that someone must be original they are subjecting themselves to the same type of indoctrination and alienation that they attempt to avoid. It is almost like the reverse psychology of life philosophy.
             Living different does not ensure someone that they will find their true self. A good place to start may be just forming your own opinions and deriving what you believe your values to be based on those actions and what your natural tendencies are.

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